This letter hereby appoints 24 Customs Pty Ltd. (ABN 69 664 150 298), to act on our behalf as our Customs Brokers in respect to all Customs-related matters.
This Authority is given in accordance with Section 182 (1) of the Customs Act which is required as follows;
“Where a person claims to be the Agent of an Owner of goods for the purposes of the Customs Act at a place, and officer may require that person to produce written authority from the Owner authorising that person to be such an Agent and, if that written authority is not produced, the Officer may refuse to recognise the Authority of the person to act on behalf of the Owner at that place”
I also certify and I am the driver license holder and authorise and instruct 24 Customs Pty Ltd. to quote this number on all Customs Entries lodged on our behalf.
All documents relating to import transactions should be handed to the above company.
Our company acknowledges the following;
We have received a copy of 24 Customs Pty. Ltd. Terms and Conditions of Trading.
We guarantee to pay all customs Duties, GST and / or any other charges which may become due as a result of our shipments.
We confirm indemnifying 24 Customs Pty. Ltd in respect of any Duty or GST liability, or other fines or penalties that may arise out of, or in connection with, any Customs matters, or the carrying out of any service by the above company in connection with the appointment referred to herein.
We understand that in respect of disbursement payments made by 24 Customs Pty. Ltd. on our behalf to third parties where GST is involved, 24 Customs Pty Ltd. will pay the GST amount applicable on our behalf to obtain release of the cargo and then claim back from the ATO the amount paid as an input credit on their next BAS. When the actual disbursement is charged to us, it will once again be inclusive of a 10% GST which we must pay to 24 Customs Pty Ltd. and which then become eligible as a tax credit on our next BAS.
This Authority is operative from the date shown below and supersedes all previous authorities in existence.